:BRUT Beli Manastir is held in the area of Banovo brdo, the only elevation in Baranja, which stretches from Beli Manastir in the southwest to Batina in the northeast. The highest point of Banovo brdo is the peak kamenjak with 244 m.
The route is hilly and with plenty of climbs. Baranya is not quite flat! 😁
The race begins and ends in Beli Manastir, in the area of city pools, and through its tworoutes e : BRUT25 and :BRUT50 passes through the following local self-government units: City of Beli Manastir, Popovac, Kneževi Vinogradi and Draž.
The distance of Beli Manastir from larger sites and border crossings:
- Osijek - 30 km
- Đakovo - 63 km
- Nasice - 64 km
- Vukovar - 65 km
- Duboševica border crossing - 15 km
- Batina border crossing - 26 km
information about accommodation facilities can be found on the website of the Tourist Board Baranja
Other important contact information:
- Beli Manastir Pharmacy, Petefi Šandora Street 2a, 031 702 212
- Beli Manastir Health Centre, School Street 5, 031 791 100
- Beli Manastir Police Station, King Tomislav Street 30, 031 238 133
- Baranja Tourist Board, Kralj Tomislav Street 70, Beli Manastir